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Migration is underway. Winter residents have left or are actively leaving Tennessee while summer breeding birds are arriving and getting ready to nest.

Ruby-throated hummingbirds have also begun arriving here in Tennessee. It's important to keep your feeders clean and nectar fresh if you choose to feed. Please do NOT use pre-made or packaged nectar. It is simple, easy and less expensive to make your own. 4 parts water to 1 part white cane sugar is the recipe for success. NO RED DYE as it can sicken your birds. The higher the temperature and humidity the MORE OFTEN you must change your nectar. Cloudy nectar and black mold can and WILL make your hummingbirds sick. Plant lots of nectar producing flowers and do NOT use pesticides...80% of a hummingbird's diet are insects. Pesticides kill their food source. Remember if you choose to feed these fascinating creatures please make sure to do it responsibly! Most of all enjoy these fiesty fast birds!

IMPORTANT NOTICE: If you encounter a sick bird please report it to the link below. If you encounter an injured bird please contact your nearest rehabber. Please continue weekly maintenaince on your seed feeders. Anytime birds artificially gather together to feed there is always the chance of transmission of disease so cleanliness is essential. If you encounter sick or dead birds here's the link to TWRA at: Sick Birds

That same site should also have the most up-to-date information on bird flu and help guide you to doing what's best for our feathered friends.

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