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Lauderdale Waterfowl Refuge
Intersection of TN Highway 210 and Poplar Grove Road north of Halls, TN
Lauderdale County, TN
Site Directions: From Halls, TN, take TN Highway 210 north to Poplar Grove Road (about 2.4 miles). The refuge is on the right side of the road between Highway 210 and the South Forked Deer River.
Lat-Long: 35.9148, -89.386
Hours: Daylight hours
Seasonality All year but best time to see birds is the winter when water management units are flooded.
Fees: None
Landmarks: Look for the wildlife observation tower on the east side of the road.

Site Description: The site is mostly a large cleared and farmed bottomland area filled with water management units that can be managed for the benefit of waterfowl, wading birds, and shorebirds. An enclosed and elevated viewing platform is available for use. Access is restricted to the observation tower and road only.

Wildlife to Watch
: An excellent site for viewing waterfowl, wading birds, and shorebirds depending on water level conditions. Observers can view Snow, Ross's, Canada, and Greater White-fronted Geese, Mallards, Northern Pintail, Northern Shovelers, American Black Ducks, Ring-necked Duck, among other waterfowl in winter. Bald Eagles are often seen in winter and there is often a large number of Red-tailed Hawks in the area.

NOTE: Please refer to TWRA Hunting Guide about hunting seasons and public access dates. Access dates vary by site.

For more information:

Birds of Lauderdale Waterfowl Refuge from eBird submissions

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