Overton Park
2080 Poplar Avenue, Memphis, TN
Site Directions: The park is located in central Memphis between N. Parkway and Poplar Avenues (N. of Poplar) and between N. McLean Blvd. and Williford Street. From downtown Memphis follow Poplar avenue east about three miles to the park.
Lat-Long: 35.146538, -89.991301, parking lot
Hours: daylight hours
Seasonality: none
Fees: none
Landmarks: Sign on Poplar Avenue at entrance Site Description: The site is a typical urban city park with developed recreational facilities. A section is, however, preserved in a natural state as an old growth, mature hardwood forest complete with walking trails. The largest shumard oak in Tennessee is found growing here. The Memphis Museum of Art, a golf course, and a zoo and aquarium are also present on site.
Wildlife to Watch: The park is commonly used for birding trips and a wide variety of species may be seen including Mississippi Kite (summer only), White-breasted Nuthatch, and Hairy Woodpecker.
For more information:
Great River Birding Trail web site
Birds of Overton Park from eBird submissions
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Be sure to check out our Safety Tips page for important information regarding viewing wildlife in these areas.